उल्टा = सीधा 🤔 ऐसे Words सीख लीजिए आज😊

Words that are pronounced the same forwards and backwards are called palindromes. Below is a list of some common English palindromes, along with their Hindi translations, meanings, and examples:

  1. Madam
    English Meaning: A polite term used to address women
    Hindi Meaning: एक सम्मानजनक शब्द जो महिलाओं के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है
    Example: “The madam of the house welcomed the guests.”
  2. Dad
    English Meaning: Father
    Hindi Meaning: पिता
    Example: “My dad is a great cook.”
  3. Mom
    English Meaning: Mother
    Hindi Meaning: माँ
    Example: “My mom is a great teacher.”
  4. Radar
    English Meaning: A technology that detects the distance and location of objects
    Hindi Meaning: रडार, एक प्रकार की तकनीक जो वस्तुओं की दूरी और स्थिति का पता लगाती है
    Example: “The radar system helped the pilots navigate through the storm.”
  5. Level
    English Meaning: A flat surface
    Hindi Meaning: स्तर, एक समतल सतह
    Example: “The carpenter used a level to ensure the shelf was straight.”
  6. Deed
    English Meaning: An act
    Hindi Meaning: कार्य, एक काम
    Example: “The lawyer prepared the deed for the property transfer.”
  7. Civic
    English Meaning: Relating to a city or community
    Hindi Meaning: नागरिक, एक शहर या समुदाय से संबंधित
    Example: “The civic center hosted a concert for the community.”
  8. Refer
    English Meaning: To mention or cite a person or thing
    Hindi Meaning: संदर्भ देना, एक व्यक्ति या वस्तु का उल्लेख करना
    Example: “The doctor referred the patient to a specialist.”
  9. Pop
    English Meaning: A type of music or a sudden, sharp noise
    Hindi Meaning: पॉप, एक प्रकार का संगीत या एक फुसफुसाहट की आवाज
    Example: “The pop music festival was a huge success.”
  10. Noon
    English Meaning: The middle of the day
    Hindi Meaning: दोपहर, दिन का मध्य
    Example: “We will meet at noon for lunch.”
  11. Stats
    English Meaning: Statistics
    Hindi Meaning: आंकड़े, सांख्यिकी
    Example: “The stats show that the team is improving.”
  12. Civic
    English Meaning: Relating to a city or community
    Hindi Meaning: नागरिक, एक शहर या समुदाय से संबंधित
    Example: “The civic center hosted a concert for the community.”
  13. Deed
    English Meaning: An act
    Hindi Meaning: कार्य, एक काम
    Example: “The lawyer prepared the deed for the property transfer.”
  14. Madam
    English Meaning: A polite term used to address women
    Hindi Meaning: एक सम्मानजनक शब्द जो महिलाओं के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है
    Example: “The madam of the house welcomed the guests.”
  15. Radar
    English Meaning: A technology that detects the distance and location of objects
    Hindi Meaning: रडार, एक प्रकार की तकनीक जो वस्तुओं की दूरी और स्थिति का पता लगाती है
    Example: “The radar system helped the pilots navigate through the storm.”

इन शब्दों को आगे और पीछे की ओर एक ही तरह से उच्चारित किया जा सकता है, जो उन्हें विशेष बनाता है।

क्या आप इन सब वर्ड्स को जानते थे? कमेंट करें!

2 thoughts on “उल्टा = सीधा 🤔 ऐसे Words सीख लीजिए आज😊

  1. All words are relevent to our daily use thank for such informative words would definitely like to use these words in our day to day life

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