In today’s fast-paced world, being productive is crucial for achieving success in various aspects of life, including work, education, and personal relationships. Effective time management, prioritization, and goal setting are essential skills for maximizing productivity. However, to develop these skills, it’s vital to have a solid understanding of productivity-related vocabulary.
By mastering productivity vocabulary, individuals can develop a stronger foundation for achieving their goals, overcoming challenges, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
Here’s a list of productivity-related vocabulary with their meanings in English and Hindi, along with examples:
1. Goal
- Meaning (English): An aim or desired result.
- Meaning (Hindi): लक्ष्य (Lakshya)
- Example (English): Setting clear goals can improve your productivity.
- Example (Hindi): स्पष्ट लक्ष्य निर्धारित करने से आपकी उत्पादकता बढ़ सकती है।
2. Efficiency
- Meaning (English): The ability to accomplish a task with minimum time and effort.
- Meaning (Hindi): दक्षता (Dakshata)
- Example (English): Efficiency in work saves time and resources.
- Example (Hindi): कार्य में दक्षता समय और संसाधन बचाती है।
3. Prioritize
- Meaning (English): To arrange tasks in order of importance.
- Meaning (Hindi): प्राथमिकता देना (Prathmikta Dena)
- Example (English): Learn to prioritize tasks to avoid wasting time.
- Example (Hindi): समय बर्बाद करने से बचने के लिए कार्यों को प्राथमिकता देना सीखें।
4. Time Management
- Meaning (English): The process of planning and controlling how much time to spend on specific tasks.
- Meaning (Hindi): समय प्रबंधन (Samay Prabandhan)
- Example (English): Effective time management increases productivity.
- Example (Hindi): प्रभावी समय प्रबंधन उत्पादकता बढ़ाता है।
5. Distraction
- Meaning (English): Something that prevents concentration.
- Meaning (Hindi): ध्यान भंग करना (Dhyan Bhang Karna)
- Example (English): Turn off notifications to avoid distractions.
- Example (Hindi): ध्यान भंग होने से बचने के लिए सूचनाएँ बंद कर दें।
6. Deadline
- Meaning (English): The latest time by which something must be completed.
- Meaning (Hindi): अंतिम समय सीमा (Antim Samay Seema)
- Example (English): Meeting deadlines is crucial for success.
- Example (Hindi): अंतिम समय सीमा का पालन करना सफलता के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है।
7. Focus
- Meaning (English): Concentrating on a particular task or goal.
- Meaning (Hindi): ध्यान केंद्रित करना (Dhyan Kendrit Karna)
- Example (English): A quiet environment helps in maintaining focus.
- Example (Hindi): शांत वातावरण ध्यान केंद्रित करने में मदद करता है।
8. Motivation
- Meaning (English): The reason or inspiration to act or achieve something.
- Meaning (Hindi): प्रेरणा (Prerna)
- Example (English): Positive feedback boosts motivation.
- Example (Hindi): सकारात्मक प्रतिक्रिया प्रेरणा बढ़ाती है।
9. Procrastination
- Meaning (English): The act of delaying or postponing tasks.
- Meaning (Hindi): काम टालना (Kaam Talna)
- Example (English): Procrastination affects productivity negatively.
- Example (Hindi): काम टालने से उत्पादकता पर नकारात्मक प्रभाव पड़ता है।
10. Productivity
- Meaning (English): The measure of the efficiency of a person in completing tasks.
- Meaning (Hindi): उत्पादकता (Utpadata)
- Example (English): Taking breaks can improve your overall productivity.
- Example (Hindi): ब्रेक लेने से आपकी कुल उत्पादकता में सुधार हो सकता है।
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