For new English learners, understanding idioms related to sleep is essential for improving communication and sounding more natural in conversations. These idioms, like “sleep like a log” or “catch some Z’s,” add color and expressiveness to speech, making it more engaging and fluent. They also reflect cultural nuances and common expressions used by native speakers, helping learners better understand everyday conversations.
By mastering sleep-related idioms, learners can connect more easily with others, express their thoughts more creatively, and avoid literal translations that may sound awkward or unnatural. Ultimately, learning these idioms enhances both comprehension and speaking skills, making the language feel more accessible and enjoyable.
Here are 12 idioms related to sleep, with their meanings in English and Hindi, along with example sentences:
1. Sleep like a log
- English Meaning: To sleep very soundly and deeply.
- Hindi Meaning: गहरी नींद सोना
- Example: After the long hike, I slept like a log and woke up refreshed the next morning.
(लंबी ट्रैकिंग के बाद, मैंने गहरी नींद सोई और अगले दिन ताजगी महसूस की।)

2. Catch some Z’s
- English Meaning: To sleep for a short time, especially when you’re tired.
- Hindi Meaning: थोड़ा सोना
- Example: I think I need to catch some Z’s before the meeting starts.
(मुझे लगता है कि बैठक शुरू होने से पहले मुझे थोड़ा सोना चाहिए।)
3. Sleep on it
- English Meaning: To wait until the next day before making a decision, to give time to think.
- Hindi Meaning: कल पर छोड़ना, सोच विचार करना
- Example: I’m not sure about the offer. I’ll sleep on it and let you know tomorrow.
(मुझे इस प्रस्ताव पर पूरा यकीन नहीं है। मैं इस पर सोच विचार करूंगा और कल आपको बताऊँगा।)
4. Burn the midnight oil
- English Meaning: To stay up late working on something.
- Hindi Meaning: रात-रात भर काम करना
- Example: She had to burn the midnight oil to finish the project on time.
(उसे परियोजना समय पर खत्म करने के लिए रात-रात भर काम करना पड़ा।)
5. Sleep tight
- English Meaning: A way of wishing someone a good and restful sleep.
- Hindi Meaning: आराम से सोना
- Example: Good night! Sleep tight and have sweet dreams.
(शुभ रात्रि! आराम से सोओ और मीठे सपने देखो।)

6. Get up on the wrong side of the bed
- English Meaning: To start the day in a bad mood or with things going wrong.
- Hindi Meaning: बुरा मूड होना, सुबह का खराब होना
- Example: I think I got up on the wrong side of the bed today, nothing seems to go right.
(मुझे लगता है कि आज सुबह मैं बुरा मूड लेकर उठा हूँ, कुछ भी सही नहीं हो रहा।)
7. Out like a light
- English Meaning: To fall asleep very quickly.
- Hindi Meaning: तुरन्त सो जाना
- Example: After the long day, he was out like a light as soon as he hit the pillow.
(लंबे दिन के बाद, जैसे ही उसने तकिया लगाया, वह तुरंत सो गया।)
8. A cat nap
- English Meaning: A short, light sleep, often taken during the day.
- Hindi Meaning: झपकी लेना
- Example: I’m going to take a cat nap before the party tonight.
(मैं आज रात पार्टी से पहले थोड़ी सी झपकी लेने जा रहा हूँ।)
9. Sleep like a baby
- English Meaning: To sleep very peacefully and without waking up.
- Hindi Meaning: बच्चे की तरह सोना
- Example: After the long vacation, I slept like a baby last night.
(लंबी छुट्टियों के बाद, मैंने कल रात बच्चे की तरह सोया।)
10. In the land of nod
- English Meaning: To be asleep.
- Hindi Meaning: सोने की स्थिति में होना
- Example: He was in the land of nod when the phone rang.
(वह फोन की घंटी बजने के समय सोने की स्थिति में था।)
11. To sleep with one eye open
- English Meaning: To be alert, even while sleeping, often due to fear or suspicion.
- Hindi Meaning: जागते हुए सोना, सतर्क रहना
- Example: He had to sleep with one eye open after hearing about the break-ins in his neighborhood.
(अपने पड़ोस में चोरी के बारे में सुनकर, उसे जागते हुए सोना पड़ा।)
12. Hit the hay
- English Meaning: To go to bed to sleep.
- Hindi Meaning: बिस्तर पर जाना
- Example: I’m really tired, so I think I’ll hit the hay early tonight.
(मैं बहुत थका हुआ हूँ, इसलिए मुझे लगता है कि आज रात जल्दी बिस्तर पर चला जाऊँगा।)
These idioms can be useful in casual conversation and understanding idiomatic expressions related to sleep! Now, tell us. Did you learn something new today?
Write any idiom in the comment of yours making a good example. Good luck with your learning!
These all idioms are amazing and can be used in our day to day life such as I am going to sleep tight as soon as I return back home. Thank you for this
These idioms related to sleep will make my communication effectively. I will definitely use it someday.
Good luck with your learning!